Other activity

Other activity

LIBERATION IDEAS DEBATE SOCIETYHaving a place allows us to widen our activity. Thanks to it, we create fundamental elements of society's functioning, but it is different form the "official" world one. Our idea is to create a liberated thought and building a conscious society. This aim is executed through thousands of discussions in small and big groups, sometimes behind the façade of the Liberation Ideas Debate Society (LIDS). Within the confines of the LIDS, we invite guests with wider knowledge about particular issues. We also organize different workshops that teach both communal creating and concrete skills. But what is most important, at Rozbrat you can learn to think pragmatically.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Rozbrat there had been a series of 10 lectures for 10 years of Rozbrat squat. The lectures were amongst others about NATO, Participatory Democracy in Porto Alegre in Brazil, Anarcho-syndicalism in Poland, Anarchism in art., Bakunin, Revolution and the Polish case, Bookchin, Ecological-social anarchism and so on.

Currently we're holding debates several times a month during our Infoshop opening hours, we're giving each other lectures, workshops and so on.


"Thursday Film Dinners" is an initiative of watching films together that came from the idea of widening the knowledge, getting to films that were forgotten (or niche ones), but also those very well-known and belonging to the film canon. It is the continuation of the Anarchist Film Club (AFC) organized at Rozbrat for as long as we can remember. Is there something more pleasant than watching a film in a nice company?! We want to share the knowledge we already have - that is why every film show is preceded by a short introduction by a person that knows most about particular film. Every film screening ends with a discussion that very often turned into real debates. Thursday Film Dinners, as its name says, take place together with a communal vegan dinner that every time is prepared by different person. The menu (of films and dinners) belongs to the participants of AFC.

A lot of films about Rozbrat have been made, about the place itself, about the idea that is behind it and about people that create it. We also translate and publish films about current social-political events.


General assemblies take place every two weeks. Disscussions about Rozbrat. Plans, clearing, solving current problems.


Available: press, literature, postcards, t-shirts, stickers etc.

A place where you can get information about current initiatives and contact us. Open during the duties hours of Library or during the meetings.


Places where we have really good fun (gigs, exhibitions, lectures). We organise concerts and dancing parties. If you have a band, you're a dj, vj whatever, and you would like to play at Rozbrat -
get in touch with us.


The creators are the audience and the audience are the creators. DIY or DIE. Contact us if you want to show your art. You can see on Rozbrat permanent exhibition of graffiti, stencils, posters and stickers.

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