Koncert: GURS

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Koncert: GURS

Czwartek, 04 Kwiecień 2024, godz. 20:00

Miejsce  Rozbrat ul.Pułaskiego 21a

GURS is the fusion between 4 friends from Bilbao (Basque Country). They play a sort of energetic post punk with influences around bands like Litovsk, Daily Ritual, No Problem, Bleakness, Short Days, The Estranged. GURS refer to "Gurs internment camp" in France where Basque prisoners where internemented, then also many spanish anarchist & political prisoners during the Spanish Civil War!!
The band starts playing in 2020 and touring in 2021. Last year we have played more than 20 shows arround Europe: París, Berlín, Brest, Lyon, Toulouse, Madrid, Barcelona, Wollimier (Izero HC Fest - Poland)... This year they will publish a new album "Gerran bizi gara" (We live in a war) which they will present in Europe this spring.



Wydarzenie rozpoczęło się -113 dni temu