Food not bombs

Food not bombs

Food not bombs is a world-wide initiative of handing out free vegetarian meals to the unprivileged. The first action was organized in 1980 by American activists protesting against nuclear armaments. Besides from the practical side of the initiative, it has a symbolic meaning. It pays attention to the problem of famine and malnutrition, that takes place everywhere in the world, even in the richest countries. The problem of famine is not caused by the lack of food in the world, but it is caused by the politics of rich countries, that prefer huge money expenditure spent on arming. Meanwhile, the improvement of the existence situation of the poorest is funded fewer and fewer. Statistically, the sum of money spent a week for arming is equal to the cost of feeding the starving people all over the world for a year. In the face of outbreak of the war in Iraq, our action's aim is to pay attention to the problem of poorness and the disability to satisfy all the living needs of part of our society and people all over the world.
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